Our mission is to connect women with scripture, but our hopes go beyond just that. Our hope is that you become a woman who has fixed God’s word on her heart. That you love His Word so much that you leave a lasting legacy of faith for the next generation. Whether it be your children, your nieces and nephews, students or whomever you interact with.

We believe in the authority of Scripture. We believe that the bible is the inerrant word of God. We believe that God Created all things and exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that it is trustworthy and is the final authority on all matters regarding all parts of our lives.

In the summer of 2015, my husband and I (Leah) moved to Texas, leaving behind a part-time ministry position for a full-time ministry position, but as the Lord would have it that was just a detour. 8 months later we moved back to Boise and my husband resumed his position at the church we left, only this time as a full-time staff member. It was in this transition from Boise to Texas, and back to Boise, that I began to feel the Lord speaking to me. I felt that God was calling me to share my passions with other women, to show them a new way of engaging with God, one that had become such an important thing for me.
Acting in obedience to God, I led a workshop for the women at my church and it was a hit. Thinking that was all the Lord had called me to do, I felt good about the response the women had to the workshop and hoped I could maybe do it again some time. In the weeks and months that followed I began feeling like God was calling me to share this gift beyond my home church, which was an intimidating thought. While I am creative in a lot of ways, I have my limits… areas I just can’t manage. *cough* digital things like this beautiful website *cough.* Yet, I felt the Lord calling me to use the gift and passions I had for something more than myself. I knew I couldn’t do this on my own. Knowing my dear friend Jeanna was also an avid bible journaler, and that she had many talents and skills I did not, I asked her to join me. To my astonishment, Jeanna had also had the idea of doing something like Faith Heirlooms, and she was all in. So in faith, but with major butterflies in our stomach, we delved into Faith Heirlooms, learning a lot along the way. It’s with complete trust that we continue to follow God who is guiding the journey. All glory and honor goes to Him.

I was born and raised in Louisville, Colorado; the youngest of four children, all of whom inherited my parents creativity. My faith in God has always been an important part of my life, and like most has been through it’s ups and downs. I currently work at a school and help my husband, who is a youth pastor, with his ministry. My hobbies include anything crafty or creative, playing games with friends, reading, and binge watching netflix. I discovered Bible Journaling while planning a retreat for our youth group’s High School girls back in 2014. I took it upon myself to learn all about it, so I could teach the girls about it as well. In the process, I fell in love. Bible Journaling changed the way I interacted with God, from sporadic, forced times of prayer and Bible reading, to excited pursuit of times where I could sneak away from my busy life and sit with the Lord in creativity. My hope is to teach, encourage and challenge women to dig deep into The Word, knowing that it will not only help them deepen their faith, but that it will be a legacy for those who follow.

I am a 30-something wife, mom, and entrepreneur. I was born and lived most of my life in Renton, Washington. My husband and I lived in the Portland, Oregon area for a short time before we moved to Boise to be closer to his family. I never thought I would be a country girl, but here I am living in farm land! I enjoy being creative in all sorts of ways, from the kitchen to the craft room. In the Spring of 2015 I was introduced to Bible journaling and I was immediately hooked! It seemed like a no brainer combination. Since learning about making art in the pages of my Bible I have never felt so connected to the scriptures. Something about putting color on the pages makes everything come alive! My hope is that you too would learn to encounter the scriptures in a new way and strengthen your relationship with the Lord.