Living Intentionally

Jeanna here. A couple years ago I started choosing a word that would be my theme throughout the year. I have to admit that in the past I have had a hard time actually keeping up my focus on the word until the end of the year. This year I’m determined to see it through.

I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to spend more intentional time in the Word. Intentional is my word for 2017.

1. done on purpose; deliberate.

Things done deliberately, on purpose. That is what I want. I find myself floating through day after day. When I look back at what I accomplished, I can’t say that it was a good use of my time. Either that or I have so many things on my to-do list that I ignore the important things. I’m sure many of you can relate.

Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise sensible, intelligent people.
Ephesians 5:15

My goal is to be more intentional with my time, my relationships and the choices I makes. This means ditching the useless Netflix binges and the unending hours of scrolling through instagram, and instead being intentional with that time. Using that time to be in the Word and grow closer to God, to interact with my daughter and invest in my marriage, and to strengthen my friendships.

I have a feeling starting with my relationship with God will help all those other things to fall into place as well. It’s not something that will just happen though.

“We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.”
-Francis Chan

I want to live each day with intention. Because I am a visual person, that means writing down the things I want to happen. So I started with documenting the word intentional in my bible for the year. I will probably also make other notes to myself in places where I will see them on a constant basis, like my planner or my phone’s lock screen. Hopefully this strategy will help me to stick to my word for the whole year.

Have you ever chosen a word for the year or have you been inspired to chose one after reading this post? Tell me about it below.