Filling My First Journaling Bible: Flip Through and Reflections

Happy Friday everyone! Is it just me or does it feel extra good be be at the end of this week? I work in a school and this week has been our first back from Spring Break. Let me just say, I’ve been on the struggle bus. Waking up and getting going seems to be an all day process. 39 more days of school and then summer break. Yes, the countdown has begun. Well anyway, moving on…

Bittersweet Endings & Beginnings

Over spring break I got a new journaling Bible. My first one had gotten pretty full. It was getting difficult to work in. So it was time for a new one. 

A few weeks back I shared a blog about getting started with Bible Journaling. I showed my first page and talked about how I was intimidated to get started, but that it was the beginning of something wonderful for me. Sometimes I can’t believe that was three years ago. It seems like just yesterday I was starting out.

3 years worth…

It’s fun to look back through my Bible now and see the journey I have been on over the last three years. It tells the story of where my heart has been, how I’ve grown and the time I’ve spent in the word. It tells the story of my prayers, concerns,and joys.

There are season where I have dates close together, or many pages on the same day. Times I couldn’t get enough of journaling in God’s Word. Other dates are sporadic and far apart. I had gotten busy, distracted and prioritized other things. It took me three years to fill this Bible, but much of that has happened in recent months, so I have a feeling my next Bible won’t take as long. I suppose we’ll see!

This journaling Bible tells the story of me honing my art skills, and continuing to make mistakes. I can see that as I continued my pages started to get better, but I still misspelled words, smeared paint and had plenty of flaws. I know that perhaps years from now I will see my favorite page now, and think, wow I’ve gotten so much better. Practice has that kind of effect.

Another fun thing to look at is the different supplies I used and seasons where I had different preferences. When I started, I loved metallic and shimmery tools. So I used a lot of the Heidi Swapp Color Shines, silver and gold Sharpie Paint pens, or just metallic acrylic paint.

Then there are seasons where I began to love watercolors

When I discovered watercolor crayons

Then when we started Faith Heirlooms

Oh and of course, it’s noticeable when I started with the alphabet stickers & tassels!


It’s been such a fun journey and it’s bittersweet to have filled up one Bible. On one hand it’s so fun to start a new Bible and have a fresh canvas to work with. On the other, I get all sentimental and feel sad that I can’t use the old one anymore. I’m so thankful to have this tangible artifact of my faith journey over the last few years though. What a cool thing I have to pass on!

And now for the flip through video of all the pages I have in my bible: 

I hope you enjoyed that and are inspired to fill a Bible of your own! Comment below and share your own thoughts on your experiences journaling in your Bible!


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2 thoughts on “Filling My First Journaling Bible: Flip Through and Reflections”

  1. This by far is one of the greatest things I’ve discovered online yet this year. I’m so inspired to do this myself and with my youth group
    What time of bible do you use?

    1. Faith Heirlooms

      So glad to hear you’ve been inspired! We use journaling bibles. There are lots of different kinds to choose from! You can find them on amazon or at your Christian book store.

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